Oscar // Lifestyle Family Session

Today is Mother’s Day!

I love celebrating this day because I personally have a very special mama in my life, and so I love to shower her with love (this year that includes a little self care package of an eye mask, a super cute tea mug from Indigo, Karen Swan’s Book called The Hidden Beach, pink tulips and delicious macarons that are tempting me in my fridge from The Social Blend in Toronto.

In celebration of Mother’s Day, I wanted to share this family Session I did for Scarlet O’neill and Anthony Carone with their little man OSCAR! Although I photograph mainly weddings, I absolutely LOVE capturing the everyday stories of family life. I too want to be a mother one day, and so I live vicariously through these moments, capturing all the good emotions that arise, and the memories that your little human will cherish forever. I only have a handful of photos with my mom, and so I know how important images like these are.

If you’re interested in a lifestyle family session, reach out to me!