DIY led light art

DIY Light Canvas

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So a couple of people asked how I made this decor canvas light and I thought I would share.

It's actually quite simple! All you need is a canvas, battery operated LED lights (got mine for 6$ on Amazon), a Phillips screwdriver or similar (to bore the holes), and any other decor you would like to use for your project - in my case, I used a wooden heart that I painted white with spray paint, sparkles and stick on letters I bought at Michael's Craft store! 

You first start off by painting your canvas a color of your choice or leaving it white. 

You create your design by puncturing holes in the canvas with a nail.

I made the holes a bit bigger in order for the LED light to fit through by using a drill (couldn't find the darn screwdriver); Do it slowly and don't push the drill in too far.  If you do, the LED lights will not stay put as the hole will be too wide.

Use a glue gun to mount the heart to the canvas - wait a few minutes for it to dry. 

Slowly start to puncture the LED lights through the back of the canvas. 

Velcro the battery pack to the inside of the canvas. 

VOILA! Eeeezy-Peezy. 

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